Tuesday, 16 June 2015

NYLD 2015 questions about the trip

What did you think of NYLD 2015. Give your opinion and reasons why you hold these
opinions (at least 4 sentences).

Its the best thing to go to it really helped me to be a leader and you get really inspired by the speakers because of their amazing life story.

Who was your favourite speaker and why? (Describe in at least 4 sentences).

William pike was my favourite All pasion No limits that was his saying. His amazing story was incredible he does not give up in life although he has lost a leg he carries on with life and still climbs mountains with his fake leg. Dont let your thoughts take over.

What have you learnt about being a leader? (At least 4 sentences).

Being a leader is a responsible thing don't give up in life keep going. Find your talent that you like to do and show it to others to see what you can do. Dare to dream Dream your future and achieve it.  

How could you use this learning here at school? (At least 4 sentences)

I could show my talent by showing kids what i can do on my scooter and bike.
And dont give up in learning things in class and other stuff that i do around school or help with.

Action points - something I am going to work on (a goal) from NYLD:

Achieve my goals that i have in life, and not to give up.

My favourite quotes were (remember to say who said them):

All Pasion No Limits   
by William Pike

Thursday, 4 June 2015

My Learning Goal This Week

My learning goal this week was to order fractions on a number line in maths. 

Mr Anderson held a workshop on ordering fractions on a number and i was so confused but was glad that i eventually got it.

I was successful in learning this but it was a bit hard at the start and didn't quiet understand.

I persist to not give up i felt like giving up but did not i kept trying.

I soon got this and understood from some friends that helped me understand it really well.

This is an example of what we learnt

Put this fraction on the Number Line.

We would split this number line into quarters and then count three quarters and there we would have our answer.