Wednesday, 12 August 2015

                   Art Gallery

Rooms 10 and 11 went for a visit to the Len lye art Gallery on Friday. When we arrived the building was covered in stainless steel on the outside. We walked inside and looked up the passageway to see huge, wavy, concrete walls.

Then we split up into two groups room 10 and 11. Room 10 set off with a guy name Chris, and room 11 set off with a woman called Rebecker.

We all went off doing different activities and then swapped activities.

Our favorite sculpture was the massive stainless steel fountain that Len Lye created, as well as Len Lye's wavy Grass, that is also made with stainless steel. The Len Lye’s art area was amazing with so many new and creative ideas, Len Lye did his art using sound, music, sculptures, movies.

He liked big things and he wanted to make some of his own and he did.
Len Lye’s art style is very creative and using your imagination to come up with something new.

The art gallery we thought was incredible, and the building was magnificent the way it was designed.
By Riley, Kayden
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Monday, 10 August 2015

My Doddle For Google Art


The Lost City Of Pompeii 

If i could travel back in time i would watch Mount Vesuvius explode from a distance, in Pompeii. I want to see those people in Pompeii who didn’t even notice it erupting, some thought it was an Earthquake thats stupid. I also want to see Pompeii ruined with ash everywhere.