This is Kayden's and i reflection work on our google site for our first aid skills.
These are some questions that Mr A has sent us.
How did your group work together? (Did you cooperate, share the work, stay on task, persist when things got hard? Were you open-minded to each others’ ideas? How did you show empathy?)
We worked really well together we sometimes stayed on the task and shared our ideas with each other and understood our ideas. Sometimes we were open minded Kayden or i would just want to do it by ourself. We showed Empathy by understanding and listening to our ideas and respected each other.
What were you pleased about in following the Te Ara Tika pathway to learn about first aid? (Think about each of the steps - what steps did you do well or made progress with?)
We didn’t really use keywords and phrases well but typed in questions about the subject or we would get a bit confused on what we were typing in. We found what needed to know and sometimes understood what was on the web page
What skills in the Te Ara Tika pathway do you think you need to improve on and why?
We need to improve to concentrate on the task. Because sometimes we have ideas that won't suit the task. And we start to talk about something completely random.
Now think about your google site. What are you really pleased about or had success with?
We are really pleased that we got resuscitation done and dusted. But then found that we had been concentrating so much on it that we forgot to do another first aid skill.We are also pleased with our progress because we had no idea about first aid skills.
What do you think needs to be improved on your google site?
We needed to add more first aid skills and probably more videos and make a bit more exciting and effective. We can make it effective by maybe adding color and pictures and better vocab.
Do you think your first aid google site does a good job of “effectively communicating” first aid skills? Why or why not? (Would you be happy with people using it to “Save a Mate”?
We thought that yes it would be able to be shown to other people. It could be improved but i think we have it spot on. How to put someone in recovery position our video is very well done as it shows the steps on how to put someone in the recovery position.
What is one thing (skills, learning attitude) that each of you needs to improve on in our next W.I.T.? (Record each of your names with the thing to be improved)
I need to work on communicating with others and Kayden.
I need to work on asking questions. Because I don’t normally ask questions that suit the task.
I need to definitely add in keywords and phrases because i am not incredible at doing this. But i just didn’t type in the keywords and was not typing in the right question.
I need to understand the information I am reading and know what to do if I am on a web site that I don’t understand what the information means.
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